About Me

I am a stay-at-home mom who is passionate about eating.  Sure, I love to cook, but let's be honest, the reason I love to cook is so that I can eat delicious food (and serve it to my family).  When my son was just a few months old he was diagnosed with a milk protein allergy.  Because I was breastfeeding I had to completely remove dairy from my diet.  As he grew older, our whole household gradually became dairy free (although my husband and I eat dairy outside of the home).  

Before all this happened, I was eating between 3 and 5 servings of dairy a day and almost everything I knew how to cook involved dairy.  At first I thought I would die if I couldn’t put cheese on top of my pasta or my chili but, over time, I did adjust. In the last few years, I have completely changed the way I shop, cook for my family, and eat. We are all much healthier now because of this experience. (Seriously, have you ever noticed how much saturated fat is in your favorite cheese?) I hope that some of what I learned can help others who have to remove dairy from their diets and still want to eat well.

1 comment:

  1. Anne, this is great! You are so talented and dedicated - keep it up! Also, nut-free? SCORE.
