Snacks are something I gave very little thought to before I became a mom. When I was hungry I just grabbed something to eat that sounded tasty. But it goes to a whole new level when you have a little person who needs to eat 5 times a day and, if you're like me, you don't want to just serve carby crap all the time. I thought maybe I was weird that I had so much snack time stress. But, after talking to other moms who have kids with food allergies, I found that lots of other people stress about this too. I think sometimes we get too focused on what we can't eat, which prevents us from thinking of all of the things we can have.
A lot of the time I try to keep it simple and just offer a piece of fruit but sometimes I can sense that I'm going to get into a battle if I don't offer choices. Or sometimes I'm rushing out of the house and I don't really feel like carrying a ripe smelling banana in my purse. So I found that it really helped me to put a Post-It note on the fridge with a list of 10 or 12 things that my son could eat for snack time. That way I didn't really have to think about it ahead of time and if I needed any ideas, I could just consult the list. I think the visual reminder is really helpful and it will take you about a minute to make your own sticky note right now!
Here is a list of suggestions, all of which take little or no preparation to serve. My child doesn't actually eat all of these things, some of them are ideas I got from other moms. If you have any of your own, I'd love to hear them!
- cereal
- mixed nuts or salted cashews
- Trader Joe’s roasted seaweed snacks
- peanut butter/almond butter
- peas (We always have a bag in the freezer. I empty some into a bowl, add a little water and microwave for 1 minute)
- raisins
- freeze-dried fruit
- pretzels
- larabars
- popcorn (We make air-popped but Whole Foods has dairy free microwave popcorn)
- graham crackers
- fruit snacks
- fruit leather
- almondmilk yogurt
- Triscuits or Wheat Thins
- hummus and pita
- pumpkin or sunflower seeds
- trailmix
- baby carrots
- lunchmeat roll up
- hardboiled eggs
- pickled beets from a jar (My son really loves these, I think they must be salty or something because he gobbles them up)
- frozen blueberries (some kids don't even want them defrosted; they like gumming on them frozen)